First went to see Foremost
Feels nice having a way to unleash avalanches of crap upon unsuspecting nothingness, at last.
Well, OK, in case anyone comes around, maybe even somebody who does not know me:
I probably won't be posting in english most of the time, 'cause I'll post in any language i feel like at the time, and I suspect I'm mostly going to feel like posting in finnish, it being such a superior language and all. Sorry for that, but nobody's forcing you to read, and anyway, most of my readers, if there are ever going to be any, will be my friends, most of whom understand finnish.
Yay, that's it for introductory blah blah.
So what have I got for you today? The magnificent idea for a musical experiment of combining singing the rhytmic syllables (ta-ki-ta, ta-ka-di-mi etc.) of the indian (the country) rhytmic system of the thalam instead of drums/percussion and Joonas Juvakoski playing his teeth as soloist for some songs of our band project. I can already hear the masses cheering.
Well, what else? I should be cleaning my room right now, we're going to have some heavy rehearsing in front of us tomorrow with the band (yeah, right) and I just can't leave such a mess hanging around over easter, can I? We'll see who's tougher at staring the other down, I or the dust monster crawling out from under my bed...
And oh yeah, I'll try to get you a new link for every post, but today you'll get two (I suspect I won't be explaining the links I post most of the time, so just try them out if ya dare :P):
And lastly I'll keep you updated on the IMPORTANT things happening at the time of writing...
Who's talking now: Kuha. - Kalifi myy mustaa valoa
-nice&interesting punky quite new prog from Helsinki
Feels nice having a way to unleash avalanches of crap upon unsuspecting nothingness, at last.
Well, OK, in case anyone comes around, maybe even somebody who does not know me:
I probably won't be posting in english most of the time, 'cause I'll post in any language i feel like at the time, and I suspect I'm mostly going to feel like posting in finnish, it being such a superior language and all. Sorry for that, but nobody's forcing you to read, and anyway, most of my readers, if there are ever going to be any, will be my friends, most of whom understand finnish.
Yay, that's it for introductory blah blah.
So what have I got for you today? The magnificent idea for a musical experiment of combining singing the rhytmic syllables (ta-ki-ta, ta-ka-di-mi etc.) of the indian (the country) rhytmic system of the thalam instead of drums/percussion and Joonas Juvakoski playing his teeth as soloist for some songs of our band project. I can already hear the masses cheering.
Well, what else? I should be cleaning my room right now, we're going to have some heavy rehearsing in front of us tomorrow with the band (yeah, right) and I just can't leave such a mess hanging around over easter, can I? We'll see who's tougher at staring the other down, I or the dust monster crawling out from under my bed...
And oh yeah, I'll try to get you a new link for every post, but today you'll get two (I suspect I won't be explaining the links I post most of the time, so just try them out if ya dare :P):
And lastly I'll keep you updated on the IMPORTANT things happening at the time of writing...
Who's talking now: Kuha. - Kalifi myy mustaa valoa
-nice&interesting punky quite new prog from Helsinki
Yeah, hejsan.
I seem to be the ultimate FirstCommentPoster on this planet (an estimation based on no more than two cases so this statement is scientifically worthless) and I wish you all the best for what is to become either a most extraordinary blog or a dull collection of halfheartedly formulated crap posts :P I'm the optimistic type as you know.
See ya around,
Mister M
So, how is one supposed to separate the extraordinary from the dull crap -I mean in my case? :P
Moi! Halusin vaan kertoa että mäkin käyn välillä lukemassa sun blogia sitten. Lisää mut sun listalle! En kyl tiedä, miten noi listat toimii, joten en itse voi lisätä ketään.
Hmm, mietin kaksi kertaa, että pitäisikö kommentoida, mutta minkäs teet.. :) Blogi vaikuttaa tosi hauskalta ja hyvältä (+ pari muuta ylistyssanaa..)joten se ei varmaan häiritse, että pistin linkin omaan blogiini? Harmitonta pientä mainostustahan se vain after all on... Ok, vaikka ei nyt tunettakaan kovin hyvin niin näkyillään koulussa ja sitä rataa :P
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