Stephu's Complete Guide to Celestial Linguistics


Location: Kirkkonummi, Finland

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Trinkt, trinkt, Brüderlein trinkt!

Ich glaube, ich bin in Gefahr, von Wasser abhängig zu werden... Ich trinke so viel davon, oft ohne, dass ich Durst habe, und überhaupt schmeckt es so gut...
Ist nämlich nicht ganz gefahrlos, zu viel Wasser zu trinken (nicht nur diese blöden Witze über die neue, schreckliche Droge H2O, von der so viele so stark abhängig sind, dass sie nicht ohne es leben können :P), sowas nennt sich Polydipsie und das kann zu Hyponatriämie führen, d.h. zu einer zu niedrigen konzentration von Natrium im Blut, was in extremfällen sehr gefährlich werden und sogar zum Tod führen kann. Naja, soweit ist es mit mir noch nicht, ich hab noch keine Symptome von Hyponatriämie bei mir bemerkt, und von den ersten Kopfschmerzen und Schwindelanfällen ist es noch ein weiter Weg, bevor sich mein Gehirn gegen den Schädel erdrückt und ich dran sterbe...
Heute mal kurz, weil mein anderes so plötzlich in meinen Kopf gehupftes Thema [Hilflosigkeit eines einzelnen in unserer modernen globalen Gesellschaft aufeinanderberuhender komplexer (teils automatischer und fast außer jegliche kontrolle geratener) Systeme] viel zu schwierig ist um es hier jetzt so herbeizukritzeln. Wie könnte ich denn dieses schreckliche Gebilde verstehen, das uns umgibt und in uns ist? -Wie gesagt, ich bin ja nur ein kleiner Teil des unvorstellbaren Ganzen...:/

Hier spielt die Musik:
M.A. Numminen - Kiusankappaleita 1
2 CDs von seinen "Besten", also obskure Texte auf Jazz rezitiert, z.B. deutsche Volkslieder zerkreischt, Gesellschaftskritik und Obszönitäten... Hervorragend! Und lachen darf man ab und zu auch.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Emergent Arrogance

During one time span of unknown duration in a universe far far away, a bunch of impossibly describable situations/happenstances with unclear existential values and locations, more like endless swarms of probabilities between 0 and 1 than actually definable values, reacted to a random set of rules, so that, watched from far away, they created fewer, larger situations, which almost began to seem like real situations. After a time, when these bigger situations, from an even more removed vantage point, seemed again to produce something more logical- even real, physical "objects" of some kind. It continued this way, so that the systems got more complicated and -in some ways more and some other ways less- logical, and it became harder and harder to see the starting situation and the real nature of all those cute little systems. At some point some of the systems began, again, behaving quite strangely, building large clusters, that hang around each other without any apparent forces keeping them together, and wich even in some very complicated and amazing ways, affected the approximate duplication of themselves. These strange groups of randomness and probabilities, while duplicating, changed slowly, oftentimes getting more complicated underway. Sometime during this process of divergent multiplication some of these groups of "reproducing entities" started to develop some strange sets of rules to their existence, which one -if some of their developed "behaviour" be understood as communication, by reading this (and others of their ways of moving from situation to situation)- could understand as something they communicate of as senses, empathy, feelings, ideas, thought processes, and even some kind of rudimentary consciousness. The quality and quantity of these emergent characteristics differs between the groups and subgroups and even between individual entities in one group, and they, as all other abilities of these strange apparitions change with time.
At some point, however, one group of these, lets call them creatures for convenience, rises above all the others in their application of these new mechanisms, beginning to change their surroundings as well as themselves, with the "intent" of doing so, but without truly understanding how the mechanics behind everything they change (and change with) work.
These creatures belong to those that could be counted as conscious, and oh, how conscious they are of their consciousness, how intellectual their intelligence is, how many ideas about ideas they get, how emotionally they view their emotions... And so twisted are the procedures by which they run, that out of this consciousness for consciousness and other wonderful capabilities emerges arrogance -arrogance for possessing these... Surely their complex systems cannot have the same, boring origins, as those of simpler systems, say, the universe, have, or if, then they must have been created for some higher purpose - by some higher purpose...?
And as these creatures develop further, they take pride in their intellect and let it grow, and thus they try to gain insights into the mechanisms that keep themselves and their surroundings running... And slowly they stumble their way down the ladders of this emergent universe, beginning to understand even the most basic mechanisms in some rudimentary fashion, gaining insight into the nature of existence, which then seems to be purposeless and without values - yet they still believe in their value and purpose...
Some funny paradoxes emerge from practically nothing, aight?

Katatonia - Viva Emptiness
haunting, melancholic, gloomy, whatever and excellent album

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My new life


Now I am officialy allowed to buy spirits in Finland.
To be honest, though, as I am writing this there are still about seven hours before it has been exactly 20 years, since I came to darken the light of this world.
To celebrate this gruesome violation of righteousness which is my continued existence, I've decided to begin a new chapter in this existence of mine (although sentience probably didn't come right away, and the memories of my early consciousness are very dim or have faded out completely, so my existence as a being at least partially responsible for himself is a bit shorter, so maybe I should wait for some years before making any twentieth anniversary -resolutions in this context :P).
Be things as they may, I now have set my heart, brains and body to work on a mission intended to change the whole of me into something much grander, and from the moment of the completion of my transformation on, what I have become shall be known as my good twin.
For in every possible aspect shall he be my physical, emotional, intellectual and moral superior...
He will have an unerring sense of time, and shall always be on time. He shall never be slack, never slooch or in any way be or seem to be lazy, but complete and surpass his missions and duties, be they set by others, himself, or fate.
He will always be in the right mood and mindset for every situation and behave as required.
He shall be interesting, entertaining and funny if it is proper and people will always feel at ease around him.
He will find not only one, but a multitude of purposes for his life, which he shall then pursue whole-heartedly until their completion and he shall be succesfull, but will also find a new purpose for each not valid anymore. He will never despair with life, the universe and everything, and will never get bored. His pursuits in life shall be interesting, benevolent and educating and shall aid in the development and growth of himself and everyone else, yes, the whole of humanity and the world.
He will know right from wrong, unerringly, and thus judge and correct, but with a heart full of goodwill and love for all that which is, was, will be, might be or might have been.
He will practise all disciplines of art and science to his full ability, which shall not be inconsiderable.
He shall train these disciplines, work out, do sports and meditate to keep body and mind fit, and to not fail anybody in need of help of any kind.
He shall appreciate all the beauty of what is, be it natural or man-made, as real as the fatalism of the universe or as insubstantial as the dream of some mythical creature never born.
He shall be as modest, virtuous and continent of heart and mind as is proper, and the sight of him shall lift the spirit of the most miserable and hateful of creatures, so that they might yet find hope.
He shall welcome me to hell.

And I shall enjoy:
Pain of Salvation - Fandango